Monday 11 April 2011

ASE : Server Configuration - example for 64 bit ASE

It is difficult to get an actual example of a system config from Sybase support. Here is
such a configuration, for a Sun server with 12 GB memory, running only an ASE 12.5 64-bit server.
There are 8 databases, each 5 - 18 GB in size.

-- Server Note: shared memory is set to 11500000000 (11.5 GB)
-- shared segments is set to 20

-- Set procedure cache to 500mb

sp_configure 'procedure cache size',500000
sp_configure 'cpu grace time', 1000

-- 10 GB max memory

sp_configure 'max memory', 10000000

-- Set up 32K pool for this financial table, that has an image column

sp_poolconfig 'cache02', '300M', '32K'
sp_bindcache 'cache02','account_db','base_account_finanacial_data'

-- Default data cache config - this is critical! 8 GB

sp_cacheconfig 'default data cache','8000M'

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